POSTED: October 31, 2023
Kolo Bike Park Mountain Bike 101 Clinic
Intro to Mountain Biking Clinic- Ages 15+
Mountain Biking 101 Clinic- An introduction to mountain biking focusing on the fundamental skills, designed to keep you safe and get you out on the trails having fun. The clinic will cover the basic operation of your bike, braking, shifting gears, what to check before going on a ride, basic positioning, and learning some fundamental maneuvers to build your skills. Then we will practice what we have learned on the various trails and features at Kolo Bike Park.
Read more: Kolo Bike Park Mountain Bike 101 Clinic- Ages 15+, adults and youth
- $75/person ($100/person if bike rental needed)
- 1-3 pm on Saturday, November 11 and Saturday, December 9
- Reservations are required.
You may book online or call our office at 828.225.2921.